The Littlest Ocean, The Biggest Wave: Jackie Little

April 26, 2020, Kate Belew With Jackie Little (New Zealand)

I opened my hand to find

A cut below the holding line

What palmistry is this?

That the future is liquid, like Kintsugi gold

and warm like that alchemical hue

Will lines starve if the ground holds the fist?

I wish for branches of hands

and silver bark, showing all that is true

and still growing into atmosphere

ships, that weave through water and land

the littlest ocean, the biggest wave

where sailors sing wearing mask and gown

and seabirds are constellations

found, painted onto starry starry nights

indigo indigo indigo, I mean, whatever is woven

the seer has seen.


Light Grows Leaves Itself: Umarrah


And So Here We Reach: Rachelle Robinett