Hope Arrives a Tempest: Dora Bralo

April 14, 2020 Kate Belew With Dora Bralo (Queens, New York)

What was I waiting for?

A thousand futures and possibilities unfolding in the morning light

a murmuration of birds against blue and 

Silver and somber sky 

Waiting for this breath to catch up with that wing 

Dove fluttering, hope arrives

a tempest. I was always told 

to the weather my soul inside me

must be changing all the time. 

Rebirth in the shadows of my mind

A new day. A spilling sun against that watercolor 

Dreams rising into the ether

Unfolding like this, thousand futures 

Rising up to meet to me.


The Kind that Haunts Carefully: Shaina Phenix


I Long to Make Myself Animal Too: Hayden Bowen