A Flickering Color of Hope: Sarah Weiler

March 31, 2020 Kate Belew with Sarah Weiler (London)

I had a song to sing

And all the space to be

exactly as am, thimble, strumming, blue. 


I had a book to read

and all the inner room 

each page I turned was yet unknown.


I had this tapestry to weave, fingers, thread

Clashing colours intertwined

a knowing in this making. 


I had a feast to assemble, delight,

and to share, table, fork, hand with you. 

A flickering candle of hope.


And so I raise this glass, note in song, word, woven 

No words exchanged; a whole world spoken,

into existence, spun out of whatever we had. 



Make Visible the Sky: Hayden Bowen


The City Still Knows: Christian Ianniello