I Want to Put This All in a Snow Globe: Hayden Bowen

March 30, 2020 Kate Belew with Hayden Bowen (Los Angeles)

From one hand to another to sky

there is music between the notes (if you listen)

each ear a seashell, shell of

sonorous waves of some particular longing 

I want to put this all in a snow globe. 

and shake it like my five o'clock martini

a new kind of careful contained chaos.

wrapped in the stillness of giants still unseen 

this glass cool to the touch, that ocean 

wet and teeming with all sorts of living things

and that song, it sings 

for millennia 

and a song of myself

for today.


Near to Speech as Rain: Kevin Devaney


So Hard Blue It Hurts: Cecile Forman