I Am Afraid of Other People Now: Lux Aeterna

April 9, 2020 Kate Belew with Lux Aeterna (New York City)

The sun came out this morning 

and didn't know what to shine over first.

I forgot that summer was going to arrive.

It always has before, but last winter

it didn't even snow, so I wasn't holding

onto a promise of summer.

I drove down to coney island to see

the wonder wheel empty and everyone in masks. 

The wheel itself was a mask protecting

the sky as people droned six feet apart.

I noticed I began holding my breath

passing people on the sidewalk and why?

Because I am afraid of other people now

and perhaps I should have stayed inside,

but the sun came out this morning, and

I needed to talk a walk around this block

that I know to a worn down piece of paper

so I could remember I'm alive

for at least a little while longer. 


The Odds Were in Our Favor: Shaina Phenix


This Could Be the New Normal: Lux Aeterna