And Honey, Doesn’t it Lend Itself Toward Sweetness?: Rachel Leigh
April 10, 2020 Kate Belew with Rachel Leigh (Colorado)
Honey, I know you better than yesterday's moon.
like old war buddies,
we share an affinity incomprehensible to others.
And what of our kind battle scars?
I kneel at their altar,
bow to the treasured menagerie etched across the stories of our swollen spines.
And honey, doesn’t it lend itself toward sweetness?
requited raptures tucked away & folded between stacks of
lawn chairs in the backyard.
Remember what summer felt like?
a blanket of humid sunsets sticky with
our love, lime popsicles and spilt milk.
fireflies lit the scene & fluttered on like the shady
ladies I always knew they were.
fellow creatures of the night, hold onto their light
floating on the outskirts of jaded & possibility.