Co-Created Via E-mail
I Reached A Hand Out and You Threw Yours Back
When New York City shutdown in March 2020 due to Covid-19 and we were all isolating in our apartments, I began writing poems with Emi Bergquist and Jackie Braje via e-mail. We went line for line and sent it back and forth.
I started to write with other friends, and my friends took the project into their own worlds too. Suddenly, I was creating poems with people I had never met before through my e-mail address. Maybe poetry is quicker than cells multiplying, and maybe it’s a remedy in itself. Each poem is labeled by who it was created with and where they’re living.
We’re never as alone as we might think. xx, Kate Belew
Follow along with the project on social media here.
**The images used on Pandemic Poems are not owned Pandemic Poems